Fer Fucking Sure!

(The Shit!)

About Me

This is my story;

I was born on a day like no other seventeen years ago, in a building that has been changed so many times, it's unrecognizable from what it once was. You could say I had a typical childhood, at least, typical for today's youth in America. For my first couple years, I guess my mom and dad were happy. I don't know. I can't remember that far back. But, I can remember leaving grandma and grandpa's house and not living there anymore. Instead, me and mommy went to live with her boyfriend. My dad says he didn't know where we were, says he went off to blow off steam. Who knows. There was a custody battle and a court case he never showed up to. So, I stayed with mom for a while, but we eventually left the boyfriend's place. There was a lot of drama there. We lived with grandma and grandpa for a while, and I went to elementary school right down the street. I never had many friends growing up. I always hung out with grandma and grandpa. Grandma was my world. She was my emotional rock from a young age. Me and mom eventually moved into a condo, but I saw grandma and grandpa everyday still, because I kept going to the same school. I had a few accidents in elementary school. They were accidents that I think might have messed up my head a little bit, but we won't go into detail there. I moved on to middle school, and finally gained some friends, but none that really stuck. Eighth grade, I had my first kiss with my second girlfriend. Dumped her later because it didn't feel right. Grandma also died when I was in eighth grade. Really messed me up. There was a lot of guilt for a long time, a lot of things I never got to say. But then, I guess that's just how it goes.
so read carefully,
I started high school a broken down and depressed kid. My whole world turned upside down when grandma died. I went through I guess what you would call an emo phase. Still have the scars to prove it. High school was where I actually made some friends though, some friends that really stuck. I was in the choir program there, and the music really helped me through the worst of what I was going through. The director was a magical woman who knew how to take kids away from the pain they felt, and immerse them into the most beautiful music imaginable. It may have only taken me away for a while, but the music is what helped me survive. Summer before Junior year, I went to live with the father who came back in the picture. He'd been out of prison a couple of years, but I still couldn't trust him, still wouldn't trust him. I didn't know if he would leave again. I didn't want to go through that, so I blocked myself off. Started at a new high school, but it didn't work out. I still had some problems, and I had an emotional break down. I went back with mom, and went back to the school I knew, the friends I knew, to find it had changed. I lost friends. Some had just moved on in my absence, others changed, and still others were fake all along and talked shit when I left. I survived though, and found new friends. I didn't do choir again because the woman who had made it magical for me retired. It wouldn't be the same. Through the course of Junior year, I got to know her replacement and found that she was magical in her own way.

or you might just miss something.
Now, Junior year has ended, and Senior year begins. I'm starting the school year with a fresher perspective on life. Perhaps fresher is the wrong word. I'm starting with a new realistic view on life. I don't trust very easy, probably the product of being hurt too many times through my life. I'm no longer going to rely on others to help me. I'm more self sufficient. I've gotten a job, on my way to getting my license and a car, and I'm searching for a real relationship, instead of like other people my age who just want sex and to be done with it. I want a real man, not some teenage boy who has no real perspective of anything in life. I want a real man, not some teenage boy who can't think past what's in his shorts. But I digress. I start my Senior year on the path to becoming a man myself.
For those of you who have read this far, I congratulate you. Not many people care enough anymore to read these things. In writing this, I have bared my past, no longer afraid of owning up to the skeletons in my closet. If you're sitting there, shaking your head, saying that I'm just another teenager who doesn't know the first thing about life, then I respect your opinion. You're allowed to have one. That's what makes this country great. I do have to say however, that your first opinion about me is incorrect. I've been through a lot in my short life. I do not pretend that I know it all, that I know exactly what the real world is like. I do however, have a greater grasp on my future than many people many age, or, hell, even older.

I have a lot of plans for my future, but I am not naive enough to think they will all come true. I do hope to see myself as a published author someday, sharing my stories with America, and the world. Also, I hope to be a teacher, showing the youth of America that it is physically impossible for a book to be 'gay' are that you deserve to be called as such simply because you enjoy a good book now and again. It is too often I find myself wondering what has happened to the American people. I see my peers around me and wonder how we could have gone so down hill. When a Senior in high school cannot pass a simple proficiency exam, just so they can get out of high school, or a Junior must take a driver's knowledge test four times before they can pass and get their permit, it is a very sad day indeed. Even now, society is dumbing down every little thing, making everything easier to do so we don't have to do any of the work. I say that things don't need to be dumbed down because people can't pass. If you can't pass, you don't survive. It's nature's natural selection. Only the strongest the the smartest survive. Call me what you will for thinking that way, but when someone get's picked on for making everyone look bad, simply because that kid got the highest score on an exam, that's when you know you've just about hit rock bottom. It is my dream to help change America's youth into a better, smarter, and stronger people, so that our country might have a future someday.
Name James Stewart
Gender Male
Age 17
Location Las Vegas, NV
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single

Contact Me

IM Brokestraightboy@yahoo.com, Brokestraightboy
Website myspace.com/fantabulousnessnessness


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